I had fun at the Arecibo Lighthouse & Historical Park। It's a "petite park". It combines a mini zoo, a mini aquarium, mini indian town, playgrounds and of course the Lighthouse with a wonderful view. This picture I took it from the lighthouse and it covers half of the park.
The entrance of the park is $10 for adults and $8.00 for kids under 12, which I found expensive; but we had fun. It was a week day and it closed at 6pm which is fair considering normal working hours of other parks.

Outside the store you can climb the lighthouse to the very top and indulge yourself with the magnificent ocean and breeze. There are not many lighthouses where you can climb thru the spiral stairs to the top, but you can in this one. It is interesting and "romantic".
In the main floor of the Lighthouse you can see some historical artifact like old diving suits, barrels and treasure chests. Once back outside, you can go to the mini zoo. There you can find parrots, ponys, ducks, chickens, roosters, horses and other animals.

I love this place I just have to suggest that if you plan to visit it PUT ON CONFORTABLE SHOES. The locations of the mini parks all vary in steepnest and will not be fun if you are in high heels or working shoes. And finally, I do advise you eat before or after entering the park. There was only one little cafeteria which didn't offer much and was pretty expensive. There are many places to eat in front of the park or in the way there.
And at last, but not least. If you visit the park during the day, take your bathing suit and take advantage of the beach that is right in front of it. It's clean and not deep with kiosk and picnic tables.
Well it's all for today, see you on my next paseo. Bye.

esta muy bonito el blog espero que siga progresando