
La Cruceta del Vigia, Japanese Garden and Serralles Castle Part 1

In Ponce hill top you can find an odd combination package of three locations: “La Cruceta del Vigia” , Castillo Serralles, and Jardin Japones. For $10 (adults) and $5 (kids) you can visit all three locations and take a tour inside the Castle. It is open Tuesday to Sundays and Holidays from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

It’s been a while since I visited this place, specially the Cruceta del Vigia (Watchtower) because it had been under renovation; so I went directly to it. To my surprise entering the parking I found a new gate which encloses now the Cruceta and the Japanese Garden. I suspect that they did this to stop the vandalism of the site considering it was a sort of hang-out place, needless to say making-out post. Now in contrast to my other visits, this time I found a well kept parking and beautiful remodeled Cruceta.

After paying at the gate an entrance fee for both the Cruceta and the Japanese Gardens I went directly to the Cruceta.

On the first floor of the Cruceta I found a modern representation of an antique puertorrican living room (sala) and next to it an antique style store that sells local coffe, candy and some refreshments. I don’t have a picture of the store that I could share with the world but I love it. It has some wood toys like “tropos”, cars, and other games that my grandmother use to play. Also on the first floor you can find bathrooms, pictures and parts of the original watch tower from 1801 and watch points. Now you can take the glass elevator to the top of the Cruceta. From the top, at 300 ft over the sea level you can see and impressive view of Ponce. You don’t have to know what you are looking at. There are pictures all around with nametags of most of the buildings you see thru the windows. That is a great feature may I say.

Once downstairs, right in front of the Cruceta is a replica of the original one standing where old one was. Some history: The Cruceta del Vijia was established in 1801 as a lookout tower to warn of attacks. Once a ship was spotted in the distance “the sentry would raise a flag with the vessels’ country of origin, allowing town citizens and troops to prepare for possible incoming attacks.”

Across from the Cruceta is the Japanese Garden. You go up the stairs not knowing what to expect, I mean it is right in the middle of what used to be a parking lot; then you are transported to another world. I mean, peacefulness and tranquility all with oriental music on the back. There is a trail that goes around the garden. Thru the trail you will find bonsai trees, ponds with water lillies, zen sand and rock garden and willow trees. There is a plaza which I don’t know what it is used for, but it would be extra cool to see people in this plaza practicing Akido or maybe Sumo. :)

Well, come back later for this paseo’s part 2.

Thanks to my first CRITIC!

I am very happy for this blog. In only a week ,not only have I got some followers but also some critic. Thanks!

Dear “Siempre lo Mismo“,

Thanks for your e-mail. Good criticism makes me improve. In reference to your letter saying that
"cansa siempre bailes tipicos, playas y monte. Consigueme un acuario con ballenas, un telesferico, un jardin japones, un chuck-e-cheeses, …que visitar aqua y dejo de pagarme el viajecito afuera dos veces al ano. No hay nada divertido que hacer.”
I have to disagree with you about it. Actually, I am sorry to disapoint you, but you CAN find all those things you mentioned in the island and much more. It’s just a matter of what you expect. True, you won’t find a Six Flags or a Sea World, but there are some nice parks and aquariums to visit. Soon I’ll post other aquariums other than the one in the Arecibo Lighthouse for you to check out. Anyway, it is nice to visit places outside the island, but like I said before not everyone has the time or the money to do that, so lets take advantage of what we have. You might want to see Shamu in Sea World next year, but why not go on a whale watching trip off the coasts of Rincon?

Stay put and checking this blog and I guarantee you will find places to visit other than festivals or beaches, which needless to say are beautiful. You will see that of the long list of places you said (25), there are less than four that you can’t find here. So keep coming back because this blog is perfect for you.

Take care and write back.



Arecibo Lighthouse and Historical Park

I had fun at the Arecibo Lighthouse & Historical Park। It's a "petite park". It combines a mini zoo, a mini aquarium, mini indian town, playgrounds and of course the Lighthouse with a wonderful view. This picture I took it from the lighthouse and it covers half of the park.

The entrance of the park is $10 for adults and $8.00 for kids under 12, which I found expensive; but we had fun. It was a week day and it closed at 6pm which is fair considering normal working hours of other parks.

So there is small indian "Taino" recreation of a town with a background picture of the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Behind the mini town there are three boats representing "La Pinta, La Niña y La Santa Maria"- Columbus boats. You can actually climb into the deck of this boats. Then there is a cave; a pirates cave thru which you have to enter so you can reach the aquarium. They acomplish the pirate effect pretty well in this cave. You can find a pirate or a treasure at any turn before reaching the tanks where you will encounter sharks, stingrays, colorful fish, turtles, aligators and many other sea animals. You come out to a mini store to buy souvenirs or take a picture with a pirate.

Outside the store you can climb the lighthouse to the very top and indulge yourself with the magnificent ocean and breeze. There are not many lighthouses where you can climb thru the spiral stairs to the top, but you can in this one. It is interesting and "romantic".

In the main floor of the Lighthouse you can see some historical artifact like old diving suits, barrels and treasure chests. Once back outside, you can go to the mini zoo. There you can find parrots, ponys, ducks, chickens, roosters, horses and other animals.

Finally there is a playground for kids with and old Coast Guard Helicopter in it. You can watch the kids play or like in my case, take a break from the hike and spend a romantic time in the bench swing with my partner.

I love this place I just have to suggest that if you plan to visit it PUT ON CONFORTABLE SHOES. The locations of the mini parks all vary in steepnest and will not be fun if you are in high heels or working shoes. And finally, I do advise you eat before or after entering the park. There was only one little cafeteria which didn't offer much and was pretty expensive. There are many places to eat in front of the park or in the way there.

And at last, but not least. If you visit the park during the day, take your bathing suit and take advantage of the beach that is right in front of it. It's clean and not deep with kiosk and picnic tables.

Well it's all for today, see you on my next paseo. Bye.


My purpose

Originally I started visiting different locations in Puerto Rico as a hobby and a way to learn about our island. As time as passed it had become more of a passion which I feel the necessity of sharing. I mean, all the time I encounter so many people that are ignorant of what their island has to offer. Some consider that they have to travel far far away to go to a forest, skying, hiking, and other activities. And what happens? In there entire lifetime they don't save money to take their family to all those places and end up doing nothing. Then you have the other type of people that have travel around the world and think that everything is better elsewhere, when all you ever wanted could be next door. Ask yourself Have you visited Disney? O yes it was wonderful-you say. How about have you hiked in "El Yunque"? Uhhh, nope.- There we go again.
So this is what I intend with this blog. First to pass on my learning experience of history, culture and locations around the island of Puerto Rico so others (visitors or locals) can enjoy it as much as me. And Second to contribute with some constructive criticism to improve some sites and eliminate that bad perspective that we sometimes portrait to the world.


Welcome to my blog, De Paseo Incognito! I hope you are ready to travel around the island of Puerto Rico and discover what to do. Puerto Rico has something for everyone and it is amazing how many people don't think like that. I always find something to do around the island with my neighbors, friends, nephews and my partner, it is just a matter of searching thru the alternatives.

So jump aboard and let go De Paseo.